Trying to make a new friend? Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud. A new study proves that laughter is the ideal element for forming both romantic and platonic relationships. A group of 112 participants were split into two groups. One group was shown funny videos, while the other was shown neutral videos. Those who were shown the funny video laughed more as well as interacted with each other more. When participants in both groups were asked to exchange introductory notes with other members of their group, those that laughed more supplied more personal information. Study leader Alan Gray explains this phenomenon, saying, “This seems to be in line with the notion that laughter is linked specifically to fostering behaviors that encourage relationship development, since observer ratings of disclosure may be more important for relationship development than how much one feels one is disclosing.” In other words, when we laugh it’s seen as letting our guard down, which is the first step to getting closer to others. (UPI)  (Image: