SaultMIOne of the items on Monday’s City Commission agenda will be what to do to fill the vacancy left by Jeff Stefanski.  Nominations will be suggested through a poll from each individual commissioner.  If no nominee receives four votes, then the process is repeated and will continue as many times as necessary until a new commissioner is selected or if the Mayor declares an impasse.  In the case of the latter, a question would be place on the ballot by the City Clerk 30 days after Stefanski’s resignation for the election of an individual to fill the vacant seat.  After the new commissioner is sworn in, the other commissioners would review Board and Commission Liaison appointments to make adjustments as needed.  Stefanski had served on the Community Services Board, the Dial-A-Ride Advisory Council and the Tree Commission.

City Commissioners will also consider interest in a land purchase on Monday.  According to the City Manager’s Report, the Community Development Department has been contacted by business owner Dan Arbic about his interest in 8 acres of property at the corner of West 8th Avenue and Meridian Street.  Arbic is planning to build up to 76 apartments on the property if he is successful in acquiring it from the city.  A bid has been made by Arbic to buy that property for 40 thousand dollars — about 15 percent above the assessed market value of 33 thousand 300. A recommendation has been made to the commission to authorize a waiver of the public bidding process, so that the administration can work with Arbic towards the sale and development of the subject property. 

Other issues to be discussed at Monday’s City Commission meeting include status reports on a submission and review schedule for the city budget, the 2015 Municipal Election Schedule and the Standard and Poor’s Bond Rating for Sault, Michigan.