SaultMIThere is a new member of the Sault, Michigan City Commission. Jay Gage was appointed and sworn in as the newest City Commissioner on Monday night after a unanimous nomination and vote to replace Jeff Stefanski. Gage ran for commissioner in two previous municipal elections, but fell just short both times. The Special Assistant to the President for Government and Community Relations at Lake State says his interest in serving the community is the biggest reason for getting involved in local government…

With a municipal election scheduled for sometime in the next four to seven months, the 25 year old is aiming for a term on the commission beyond that length…

In announcing his nomination, Sault Mayor Tony Bosbous described Gage as a tireless, active member of the community, while Commissioner Kathleen Twardy lauded Gage’s personal growth in the last couple of years. With a municipal election scheduled for later this year, Gage expressed confidence in a longer term. He says he is planning to bring a number of ideas to the table, particularly when it comes to making the city more ‘college-friendly’…

Gage adds integrating the city and Lake State has been a main goal of his since his first attempt to be elected on the commission six years ago. He is also excited about developments in or coming to the city, reacting to Monday’s decisions to allow the purchase of land and the first reading to rezone several lots for different housing to be constructed.