CatholicBoardThe Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2015 from May 3 to May 8. The theme for the week is ‘Exploring Paths of Joy’. It is also the theme focused on for the entire school year.

Activities will occur at HSCDSB schools from Espanola to Hornepayne throughout the six days of Catholic Education Week including the Board’s 6th annual Walk for Justice on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.

“This is a special week that allows our schools to show what faith-based education is all about. It is an opportunity to highlight how Catholic education enhances the communities where our schools are present,” said HSCDSB Director of Education, John Stadnyk.

Parents and guardians are invited to participate in the 6th annual Walk for Justice, which sees students learn about areas of the world that are dominated by strife, famine or war. They also learn about action by the Catholic Organization for Development and Peace which funds various projects to help people in such areas.

“It is very important for our students to learn about the challenges children in other parts of the world face. It is part of our calling as Catholics to assist those in need, wherever they are,” said HSCDSB Faith Animator, Sr. Pat Carter, csj.

Schools throughout the Board invite parents and guardians to visit their child’s school during Catholic Education Week.