CitySSMA service agreement for municipal day care is on the agenda for Council’s meeting on Monday.  Council will be asked to enter into a three year agreement with the District Social Services Advisory Board to provide daycare at Jessie Irving Centre, Maycourt Centre and Holy Family-Best Start Centre to the end of 2017. The agreement would also allow either party to terminate the agreement upon giving 60 days notice.  The proposed agreement comes almost a year after the city considered ‘getting out of the daycare business’, resulted in pleas from affected parents to keep the service going.

Included in council’s agenda is a six page PUC memorandum that highlights the reasons to covert from high pressure sodium street lights to LED fixtures.  The goal is to replace those fixtures over 2015 and 2016, according to a business case analysis done by the PUC.  The move is expected to result in a savings of net savings of at least 600 thousand to 850 thousand dollars for 2015 — a reduction of at least 30 percent in energy and operations costs.  But the cost to replace the 9 thousand HPS street lights is about 10 million dollars.  One way the PUC could cover that cost is through a 10 year loan from Infrastructure Ontario.  Council will be asked on Monday to permit the PUC to move ahead in securing financing and carry out the conversion work, with staff authorized to provide a loan guarantee or negotiate a suitable Services Agreement.

Council will also ask on Monday for a report on completing Phase 3 of the Northern Community Centre.  The report from city staff would determine potential timeframes and the estimated costs of construction.  Staff would also examine various funding programs from the senior levels of government to see how they would fit in regarding that project.