City Police  Statement from City Police…
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service has received several reports of a female canvassing door to door for the Terry Fox Run.
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service has confirmed with the Terry Fox Foundation that the run is not until September 20, 2015.  In addition any of the material, such as pledge forms, is not in existence yet, but the Terry Fox Run will accept donations at their website of
Door to door solicitation is very common and there are steps that you can take to ensure that your donation actually makes it to the organization you wish to support.
Ensure that the campaign is actually taking place.  Many organizations will advise via a media release that their campaign is ongoing and you can expect to see individuals going door to door asking for donations.
One of the safest ways to make a donation is to know the person who is collecting the pledges.
If you are not comfortable making a donation to the person at your door, donate at the official website or attend at the local office if there is one.
If you are not comfortable making the donation to the person at your door, simply say no.
The same rules apply if you receive a phone call asking for donations. If you wish to donate, call them.  Or attend at the local office.  You should never give out your credit card information to someone who is calling you.
A few simple precautions will allow you to continue to donate to worthy causes and ensure that the money goes where it should.