Silly egg
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Things I learn (and share with you) when I’m wasting my life away on the computer…You may know this stuff…but I didn’t…So…Here you go…

• What can you put in hardened brown sugar to soften it? [A slice of apple.]
• To prevent eggshells from cracking, what do you add to the water before hard-boiling?[A pinch of salt.]
• What should you put on your Tupperware to prevent it from staining when storing tomato-based sauces? [ Try non-stick cooking spray.]
• If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it’s still cooking, what can you add to fix it? [A peeled potato will absorb the excess salt.]
• Candles will last a lot longer if you do this for 3 hours prior to burning them. [Put them in the freezer.]
• How do you determine if an egg is fresh? [Immerse it in cool, salted water. If it sinks it is fresh, if it floats … throw it away!]
• How can you extend the shelf-life of celery? [Wrap it in aluminum foil when putting it in the refrigerator, it will keep for weeks.]