
Supplied by Sault MP Bryan Hayes… Ottawa, ON – MP Bryan Hayes is reminding community members that the call for nominations for the Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards was recently announced by the Honourable Pierre Poilievre, Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada, on behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada. The call for nominations is open until June 30, 2015.

The Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards consist of 17 awards in total: 15 regional awards – three awards for each of five regions across Canada (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies, British Columbia and the North), and two national awards. Discover the award categories and submit a nomination today through the Prime Minister’s website:

Recipients are recognized at an award ceremony and choose an eligible not-for-profit organization to receive a grant for $5,000 (regional award) or $10,000 (national award).

Quick facts

” The Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards recognize individuals and organizations that use innovative ideas and approaches to address social challenges. Working in partnership, businesses, individuals and organizations can develop creative ways to strengthen their communities.

” Volunteerism is an important part of what makes Canada such a great country. In 2013, 12.7 million Canadians or 44% of people, aged 15 years and older, participated in some form of volunteer work.

” In 2013, Volunteers devoted almost 2 billion hours to their volunteer activities, or the equivalent of about 1 million full-time jobs.


“The contribution of Canadians through volunteerism is invaluable. Let’s make sure it doesn’t go unnoticed and that they receive the recognition they deserve. Therefore, I invite you to nominate deserving volunteers, businesses or not-for-profit organizations for a Prime Minister’s Volunteer Award today.” – MP Bryan Hayes, Sault Ste. Marie