Personally, the thought of running out of the house in the middle of the night in case of an emergency doesn’t really make this seem like a great idea!

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Before you head to bed tonight, take it all off. An expert is saying that sleeping naked could actually be a super healthy thing to do. A new international study by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation reveals that one in three adults sleeps in the nude, and Dr. Sarah Brewer, based in the U.K., says sleeping naked has been shown to have lots of health benefits. Brewer explains, “Sleeping naked can regulate your temperature, helping you get the best night sleep.” Additionally, sleeping naked helps couples bond, creates intimacy, and may even give you a boost of confidence. The Sleep Foundation study revealed that the majority of people who said they sleep naked were over age 50, and that 27 percent of men reported they choose to sleep naked, compared to just 20 percent of women. What clothing, if any, do you sleep in at night? (Daily Mail) (Image: