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Supplied… Tuesday, May 25th 2015 – The Board of Directors at the Sault Ste. Marie Airport Development Corporation (SSMADC) is proud to announce expanded job titles for Mr. Terry Bos and Mr. Jim DeGasparro. The extended appointments of these two executives comes alongside ongoing developments at the YAM airport, which includes a plan for an expanded portfolio of services and the acquisition of more local, regional, and international partnerships. The expansion is also set to include a new online presence and renovations to the existing facility, all of which are scheduled to take place in the upcoming year.

Mr. Terry Bos (AAE, BBA, CEO) has been promoted to the position of President/CEO and Accountable Executive of the SSMADC. Bos boasts a diverse skill set that spans two decades and includes extensive industry credentials, both of which have been a tremendous asset in the ongoing management of the SSMADC. Currently, Bos is transitioning into the role of Past President of the Airport Management Council of Ontario, having been offered the position in honour of his track record as being the first, four-year president in the history of the council.

Additionally, Mr. Jim DeGasparro has been appointed the Operations / SMS Manager and Fire Chief. DeGasparro currently oversees health and safety, facilities and operations. With three decades of experience within the transportation industry, DeGasparro has worked to streamline processes and functions for a diverse cross section of companies. He has been instrumental in developing the airport safety management system.

The SSMADC will be looking to fill the position of Security and Business Administration Manager in the upcoming weeks in order to assist with ongoing expansion efforts, and plans to recognize the airport’s 200,000th annual passenger with a travel giveaway. The promotion will include a free round trip to a mystery location, and is slated to take place in the upcoming months.

Additional information and regular updates on the YAM expansion can be found online at