A report from Economic Development Corporation CEO Tom Dodds regarding the status of the ACR passenger train and Agawa Canyon Tour Train is included in council’s agenda for Monday’s meeting.  Back in April, it had been anticipated that Railmark Canada Limited would be finalizing arrangements with CN for the acquisition of the Tour Train in parallel with securing working capital for the passenger train service.  Dodds explains that the process is in limbo because RCL’s financing arrangements did not proceed as the organization involved in the negotiations withdrew and RCL is seeking to secure new financing.  Since May 2nd, Railmark has operated the ACR passenger service while CN has committed to operating the tour train until Railmark or some other 3rd party can take over.

Mayor Provenzano has provided an update to council regarding the CAO selection process and it is included in the agenda for Monday’s city council meeting.  A North York firm is assisting with the selection process and OCL Search is ready to issue a posting for the position as applicants will have a period of three weeks to apply.

There will be no further extensions for the Elementa waste to energy pilot plant that has operated out at the city’s landfill site.  City council has approved several extensions to the lease for the test plant as it works towards establishing a demonstration/commercial plant on Base Line.  An information report for Monday’s city council meeting explains that equipment has been removed from the landfill site.  Plans call for having construction start on the permanent plant no later than May 1st 2016.  Back in 2009, the City entered into a waste supply agreement with Elementa guranteeing 12,500 tonnes of waste.  The report further explains that in 2014, over 62-thousand tonnes of waste was received at the landfill.  It’s indicated that based on a five-year average, the landfill has approximately another 6.8 years of capacity.

City council will be asked at Monday’s meeting to give its approval to an updated Transporation Master Plan.  Approximately every 10-years,  the City hires a specialist to provide an updated plan and a proposed plan was presented to council in February.  The plan was posted for a 30-day comment period until mid-April.  The consultant and city staff agreed there was no need to revise the final document in light of the feedback.