Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corporation CEO Tom Dodds answers questions regarding the state of the ACR Passenger and Agawa Canyon Tour train services during City Council Monday night.

City Council received an update on the state of the ACR Passenger and Agawa Canyon Tour trains on Monday. The presentation by Economic Development Corporation CEO Tom Dodds left some questions unanswered. One such question being is the city about to get more involved in the operation of these trains than it wants to. Dodds says the current situation involving Railmark and CN is one that has to be seen through…

Dodds will be working on another presentation for council in two weeks. It’s expected to include information on how Railmark will receive and use credit amounting to three months of operating capital. An exact money amount was not immediately announced. Concerns were raised over the late start of tour train season and scheduling to how the trains are operating — with a financing deal that fell through nearly two months ago. Sault Mayor Christian Provenzano also suggested that the city’s primary interest has to be the Tour Train. Dodds attempted to answer that concern and what would happen if the city decides to pull its support after June 22nd…

Dodds feels the current situation is now close to being final. Questions about how Railmark will acquire and use a credit line amounting to three months of operations and other concerns to be answered in the next presentation by Dodds in two weeks. At that time, Dodds hopes that all agreements be approved after that time. Discussions with Transport Canada can also begin with a goal to move forward with a schedule for stakeholders and new opportunities for tourism involving the trains. Provenzano also asked the question about whether due diligence was made to make sure operator Railmark had its financing in order. Dodds responded that CN and Transport Canada were involved in that due diligence. When asked about what is needed in the short term, Dodds answered that a decision needs to be made about the situation and soon…

Despite the concerns over money and financing, talks had been going on over events involving the trains for the near future. Financial issues are expected to be resolved through two financial institutions before the end of this week.