SaultMIMonday night was an opportunity for City Commissioners to learn more about what can be done to prevent sexual violence in the community. A brief presentation was made by Mallory Bravatto — an educator and co-ordinator from the Diane Peppler Resource Centre. She says the goal is for her group to get support and possible action from the Commissioners to combat a serious problem in the Eastern U-P…

Bravatto handed each commissioner material after her presentation and has already addressed her concerns in discussions with two city commissioners within the last week. She added that similar relationships have already been established with law enforcement through various activites that include the annual ‘Take Back The Night’ event. Bravatto told the Commission that one of the main goals is to promote healthy relationships and and respect as a way to prevent sexual violence from happening in the community. She talks about what she hopes commissioners will do on their end…

Bravatto did not provide specific numbers related to how big a problem sexual violence is in Sault, Michigan. However, she did mention that there has been more awareness from the public towards the issue. This is evident in more people coming out and supporting the awareness events the centre has put on. She added that she would like the relationship with the Commission to be an ongoing one — that it has been supportive of the center in the past. Bravatto talks about the Diane Peppler Resource Centre and the role it plays in preventing sexual violence from happening…

Some of the centre’s work is also aimed at helping youth. Work is done in this case to encourage healthy relationships and respect. When asked about what happens if someone suspects a physical or verbal assault has happened to them, Bravatto advised that in cases involving teens they should tell a parent or trusted adult or they can contact the centre for support or any information that can help them.