
Mill Market is excited to announce the donation of a hand built wooden bench created
by six grade one classes from Francis H. Clergue. During their character
education unit study of Citizenship, the students decided they wanted to create
something to donate to their community that would “give back” in a
positive way. Giving back was one way that they discussed how they could be
good citizens themselves.

The students wanted to build a playground, a swing set, and a house. After some
persuasion by their teacher, Mme McLean, they decided on a more attainable
task, the bench, which will be donated to the market. The wood was donated by 2
parents in the class. The students got to work learning how to measure in
centimetres and inches and studying what makes a solid structure. The students
helped in all building aspects. They studied the plan together, each piece was
measured by the students, they held the wood as another teacher cut it,
and they did their own drilling. Once the weather turned warmer they put
it outside to hand sand the edges and paint it. The students and teachers are
very excited that their bench will find its forever home at Mill Market where
it can be visited by the students and be helpful to the other shoppers.

The students will be attending the market on June 17th, 2015 at 2pm to present and
install the bench at Mill Market. This event will take place during market
hours and the public is invited to attend.