OPP  Supplied by East Algoma OPP…
(ELLIOT LAKE, ON) – Cycling can be enjoyed safely when you understand the rules of the road and practise proper safety and handling techniques.
Outdoor enthusiasts of all ages are enjoying one of their favourite activities. Elliot Lake cyclists are using city streets, highways and area trails.  It is important for cyclists and motorists alike to keep safety in mind when travelling on our roads.
Here are a few things to remember:
” Motorists must allow cyclists a safe space to ride on the roadway.  A bicycle has the same rights and responsibilities when on the road.  Remember that a cyclist may have to use more of the road if the right portion of the roadway is very rough.
” Do not honk your horn at a cyclist unless you are doing so for safety reasons. The honk may startle the person riding which could cause the driver to lose control of their bicycle.
” When passing a cyclist, ensure you pass in a safe place which will allow you to overtake the rider without forcing them off the road.  It is also wise to reduce your speed as you pass by to avoid startling the person riding their bike.
” Use extra caution when travelling through residential areas or near schools.  Young riders may dart out onto the street suddenly. Be aware of city trails which intersect with streets and reduce your speed. Intersections are a common location for collisions between vehicles and cyclists.
” When making a right turn, check your mirror to ensure that there are no cyclists in your blind spot or attempting to go by you on the right.
” Do regular inspections of your bicycle to make sure that it is in proper working order.
” Make sure your bicycle is the correct size for you.  A bicycle that is not the right size for you will be difficult to control and generally not comfortable to ride.
” Helmets are mandatory for all riders under 18 years old and are just common sense.  Helmets must also be fitted and worn properly.  It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to ensure their child is properly fitted for a helmet.  The Highway Traffic Act under section 104 states – “Every cyclist under the age of eighteen must wear an approved bicycle helmet.  Parents or guardians shall not knowingly permit cyclists under sixteen to ride without a helmet.”  Set fine is $60.00 plus a victim surcharge of $20.00, a total of $80.00.
The Ontario Provincial Police while on general patrol in Elliot Lake are stopping cyclists under the age of eighteen not wearing a helmet.  Information is being obtained from the cyclist and a follow-up letter will be forwarded to the parent or guardian.
“It only takes one fall off your bicycle to cause a brain injury.  Do your part to avoid having your child become a statistic.  Ensure they have a fitted bicycle helmet that is worn every time they go cycling” shares A/S/Sgt Marty Van Kessel.

Cycling is one of the most enjoyable ways for families to spend time together and enjoy the outdoors.  It is also a privilege and not a right.  Cycling safety is the responsibility of everyone who uses the streets, roads and highways, no matter what method of transportation you are using.  Do you part to keep it safe and fun.