
Supplied by the huron Superior Catholic District School Board… Sault Ste. Marie:  The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is pleased to announce that all 30 students who participated in DELF (Diplôme d’Êtudes en Langue Française) examinations have passed the French Proficiency test.

“These results are simply fantastic.  The success of these students proves that the Board’s French Second Language (FSL) strategies are working.  Students involved in the exams had very positive comments about how their teachers prepared them for the exam,” said HSCDSB Superintendent of Education, Maria Esposito.

Grade 12 FSL students from St. Basil Secondary and St. Mary’s College wrote the DELF exams. Students, selected for the exam in consultation with their FSL teachers and their parents, determined which exam level they would take.   The DELF exam is offered each spring through the Ontario Ministry of Education and the French Ministry of National Education to assess language skills of people whose first language is not French.  The thirty successful students will receive a DELF diploma from France indicating their level of French proficiency, which can enrich a student or professional portfolio.  The result is recognized by francophone post-secondary institutions in Canada, and allows for acceptance into a university in France.

“Thank you to the “Correctrices” for their tremendous hard work both administering and marking the exams.  Thank you to our FSL teachers, especially our secondary FSL teachers, for embracing the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for French language instruction and preparing our students to be confident and proficient in Canada’s other official language,” said FSL Consultant, Ann Marie Santoro.

“I was really nervous going into it, but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  It was a bit challenging but it can be very beneficial in the future because we are a country with two official languages,” said DELF participant, Nick Kowalski.

“It helps me to know that I can communicate in French.  It was something I wanted to do to prove to myself that I can converse properly in French,” said Katelynn Porcheron.

“Congratulations to everyone involved in this initiative.  The effort put forth by our staff in delivering the exams and the outcomes achieved is positive proof that the Board is giving our students all the tools necessary to succeed,” said HSCDSB Director of Education, John Stadnyk.

The Board will continue to offer the DELF exams to eligible students.