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Oooh! They’re so dreamy!!  Boy bands are known for capturing the hearts of teen girls, but why do so many full-grown adult women love them too? Brad Taylor, owner of Big Machine Agency, a public-relations firm that works with music industry personalities, says, “Boy bands are the dream package. They’re put together so that every woman, no matter her age, is attracted to something in the group.” Manhattan-based relationship therapist, Dr. Paul Hokemeyer says that once a woman falls in love with one boy band, she’s likely to be hooked for life. He says, “This has to do with neuroplasticity and the way our brains crave the pleasures of our past. If the brain was imprinted with a pleasurable cause and effect [during purberty], it will desperately hang onto that memory recall. We stick to what works.” Additionally, all boy bands stick to the same formula, meaning there’s usually a member to represent each aspect of a ‘perfect’ guy, add some catchy music to that, and women are wired to be hooked for life. (Women’s Health) (Image of One Direction: