FONOMThe Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) travelled North to the President’s community of Kapuskasing on July 16, 2015 for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors.

The Board discussed a number of key topics affecting the region including the sale of Hydro One, the Spring Bear Hunt and the ongoing provincial consultations to determine how to invest the remaining $11.5 billion of the Moving Ontario Forward – Outside the GTHA. The funding is part of the $15 billion dedicated to infrastructure outside the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. “It is important that our voices are heard in the development and design of programs that will assist Northern municipalities repair and construct local infrastructure,” said Mayor Alan Spacek of Kapuskasing and President of FONOM.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) presented the new Ontario Electricity Support Program to the Board, which will be an on bill support program for low-income households and will be in place for January 1, 2016. The OEB is currently consulting with stakeholders on program design and roll out. The Board had concerns about a program that would be funded through a provincial charge on residential, commercial and industrial electricity bills based on the amount of output, which would see users in Northern Ontario contribute significantly to the program. The Board also heard from the Town of Cochrane’s, Mayor Peter Politis regarding the recent events and discussions surrounding the closure of Cochrane Power and the impacts that it will have on the Town and the region.

Other matters discussed included the upcoming Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference being held August 16-19 in Niagara Falls, where FONOM will have the opportunity to meet with Cabinet Ministers to discuss issues of interest and concern to Northern municipalities.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on September 17, 2015.