Chuck Norris Approved
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Give yourself a point for every yes…

• Got a tattoo
• Brewed your own beer
• Driven a car worth more than 100,000 dollars
• Owned a dog
• Quit a job because you were pissed at (or hated) the boss
• Told your dad face-to-face that you love him
• Worked overseas
• Placed a bet over 200 dollars
• Demanded a pay raise
• Saved a life
• Grown a beard and had it for more than two years
• Taken a ride on a wave that was bigger than you
• Had sex in a public place
• Run a marathon
• Learned to play a musical instrument
• Written a book
• Gained revenge on someone
• Been a best man
• Caught a big fish
• Flown a plane
• Rode a horse
• Had a go at diving
• Became a vegetarian for at least 6 months
• Gone broke trying to buy love
• Bought a dud car
• Slept with an EX-girlfriend
• Become a dad
• Sat on a jury
• Swam with dolphins
• Woken up with a stranger
• Given blood
• Gone to an all black march
• Acquired a scar
• Climbed a mountain
• Performed an anonymous act of generosity
• Skydived
• Tied a bow tie by yourself
• Won a trophy
• Rode a motorcycle twice the speed limit

Your score:
• If you said “yes” 10 or less times — you need to get out more.
• If you said “yes” between 11 and 20 times — you’re cool. You’ve suffered pain, embarrassment and success.
• If you said “yes” between 21 and 30 times — you are a better man than most. Good luck with the rest of the list.
• If you said “yes” between 31 and 40 times, you rule! You are the man!