SaultMIOne idea to enhance downtown Sault, Michigan was approved at Monday’s City Commission meeting. It was mentioned that the area would operate for four hours a day — two days per calendar week when in operation.  Under the approved Memorandum Of Understanding, the university would be responsible for materials to establish the rink and its disassembly at the end of the skating season.  Commissioner Jay Gage described the outdoor rink as ‘an amazing thing’.  He added that a related project may include ‘ice shanties’ for students that would be built near the rink area.

The bidding for an Urgent Needs water main repair and replacement project in Sault, Michigan started on Monday.  The project consists of watermain and other utility replacements on Riverside Drive, Ridge Street, Sova Street and Gros Cap Avenue with associated restoration.  The work is being done in response to damage done after the freeze of 2013-2014.  It was announced on Monday by City Engineer Linda Basista that the lowest bid of 1.147 million dollars submitted was slightly higher than the engineer’s estimate of 1.13 million.  More information including specific financing will be discussed at a special Commission meeting this Thursday at noon.