Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Mike Mantha answer questions about energy and politics during a visit to Sault Ste. Marie on Wednesday.

Ontario New Democrat leader Andrea Horwath was on a brief tour of the north on Wedneday. She spoke at the United Steelworkers District 6 Conference in the Sault, where her message was for everyone to work together and work to make communities and the province benefit everyone. Horwath says the opposite is happening right now under the Liberal government, saying a small group of people will ‘make off like bandits’ regarding the province’s selloff of Hydro One…

The sell off was the subject of a town hall featuring Horwath on Wednesday night in Elliot Lake. Horwath’s visit was the latest by party leaders. Recently, Ontario Conservative leader Patrick Brown had his party caucus here. When asked about action to lower the high cost of energy, he mentioned that there would be a plan from his party with solutions regarding that issue. Earlier this week, federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau was in the Sault, promising a multi-million dollar clean technology plan for resource-based sectors as part of his campaign platform. But Horwath expressed little confidence the other parties could resolve that problem — one that has been going on for some time…

Horwath feels ‘a better deal’ would be an alternative to selling off excess power across the border that consumers pay to take it off the province’s hands, resulting in actaully costing the province money. She suggests looking at a more stable system of marketing Ontario’s power — in the province’s interests — instead of giving it away on the spot market. With the federal election campaign underway and momentum going towards federal party leader Tom Mulcair, Horwath was also asked if now was the time for a federal New Democrat government…

Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Mike Mantha agreed, saying people are tired of the status quo — that they want a government that will actually work for them. When asked about whether she would make another run at being Premier in the next provincial election, Horwath mentioned another leadership convention will happen within the next 18 months. She emphasized the disappointment the Liberals have become after being elected last year and the people of this province deserve better.