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If you’re dating someone prettier than yourself, you may consider yourself lucky, but you may want to rethink that. New data shows that women who think they are better looking than their partners are less likely to be committed to their relationship. Eastern Connecticut State University researchers had 692 women in relationships fill out an online survey. The women had to rate their own attractiveness, their partner’s attractiveness, and answer questions about their behavior in their relationship. Study leader Madeleine Fugere says, “We found that when women perceive themselves as more attractive than their mates they are less satisfied with their current relationship and tend to seek alternative (possibly more attractive) partners.” So how do these relationships even get started in the first place? There’s no scientific evidence, but Fugere theorizes that some women may feel that any partner is better than no partner, or they may not notice the difference in attractiveness until later in the relationship. (Daily Mail) (Image: