
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is reminding hunters that hunting season is under way in Algoma District. Hunters should know and follow the rules, and take necessary safety precautions.

Hunting Rules and Hunting Safety:

§  All hunters must wear solid hunter orange clothing (a minimum of 400 square inches or 2,580 square centimetres above the waist) and a hunter orange head cover during gun season for moose. This also applies to bear hunters who are not hunting from a tree stand.

§  Handle firearms with care and attention at all times.

§  Keep guns and ammunition separate and locked in a secure location when not in use.

§  Hunters must never shoot unless they are absolutely sure of their target and what lies beyond it.

§  It is illegal to shoot from a vehicle or carry a loaded firearm in or on a vehicle.

§  A hunter cannot transfer his/her game seal or possess a game seal issued to another person.

§  After a moose is killed, the game seal holder must immediately attach the valid game seal to the moose in the manner prescribed on the seal, and it must remain attached during transportation.

Regulations and Seasons:

For more information about regulations and seasons, consult the 2015-2016 Hunting Regulations Summary available at ontario.ca/hunting.

General Safety:

§  Tell someone where you will be hunting and when you will be returning.

§  Know the weather conditions in your hunting area and dress accordingly.

§  In an emergency, stay calm and stay put.

§  Avoid hypothermia. Know how to treat it if it strikes.

§  Keep hydrated and well nourished.

§  Carry a survival kit and a small first aid kit with you at all times.

§  Know how to build a fire in all weather conditions and carry the supplies to start one.

§  Carry a map and compass or GPS unit and know how to use them.

§  Never drink alcohol and hunt.

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