A judge in Chapleau has upheld the convictions of the outdoor activist group OntORA and their former President Mike Boudreau who took part in an orderly protest near Foleyet four years ago.  They were opposed to the MNR closing off access to Oswald Lake.   There were no charges laid at the time and the protest was even attended by area politicians Mike Mantha and Gilles Bisson.   But Ministry officials decided to take the matter to court and a two year legal battle ensued – followed by an appeal – where the ministry basically built their case around the precedent that would be set should they lose.    So the judge complied and the fines amounting to $25,000 will stand – eventhough they will most certainly force the group into bankruptcy.  Boudreau has been fined $3500 and insists he won’t pay it as he was not guilty of the charges – not even at the lake at the time.   There will be a further presentation made to the Ontario Court of Appeal.