ADSB_CLCC_Green_2_1600One of the main topics on Tuesday’s public school board meeting agenda was the latest Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test results. It was announced by Superintendent of Education Joe Maurice that 72 percent of participating Grade 10 students at the ADSB achieved Level 3 — the provincial standard — in 2014-15. The provincial average was 82 percent. Maurice also talked about the issues resulting from the current labour disputes. No provincial math test scores will be announced, but school and board results will be known on October 28th. Maurice added that this year’s Literacy tests are moving online. Tests originally scheduled for November have been ‘cancelled’ due to uncertainly related to the labour situation with the province. However, students will have the opportunity to write the test or take it online at the end of March 2016.

t’s being described as a ‘great overall enrolment’. Superintendent of Education Asima Vezina addressed the Algoma District School Board trustees on Tuesday about opening enrolment numbers for elementary and secondary. As of the end of September, there are 62 hundred and 2 students in the board’s elementary schools, 114 more than what was projected in April. Most of that increase comes from the Junior Kindergarten grade. Vezina also announced that there are 65 more secondary students than what was projected six months ago — 32 hundred and 20 students in all. She added that the public board is anticipating a few more students will be enrolled soon. The ADSB’s adult learning program — the Algoma Education Connection — has 203 students, and that program is still enrolling students.