
More and more people are using unmanned air vehicle (UAV) for work or pleasure.  Transport Canada regulates their use to keep the public and airspace safe.

Aircraft without a pilot on board go by many names – unmanned air vehicle (UAV), remotely piloted aircraft system, model aircraft, remote control aircraft, and drone.

Call it what you want, but always think safety first.

Safety guidelines

You are responsible to fly your aircraft safely and legally.  In Canada, you must

·       Follow the rules set out in the Canadian Aviation Regulations.

·       Respect the Criminal Code as well as all municipal, provincial, and territorial laws related to trespassing and privacy

Transport Canada expects you to follow these basic Do’s and Don’ts


  • Fly your aircraft during daylight and in good weather      (not in clouds or fog).
  • Keep your aircraft in sight, where you can see it with      your own eyes – not only through an on-board camera, monitor or      smartphone.
  • Make sure your aircraft is safe from flights before      take-off.  Ask yourself, for example, are the batteries fully      charged? Is it too cold to fly?
  • Know if you need permission to fly and when to      apply for a Special Flight Operations Certificate
  • Respect the privacy of others – avoid flying over      private property or taking photos or videos without permission

DON’T fly:

  • Closer than 9 km from any airport, heliport or      aerodrome
  • Higher than 90 metres from above the ground
  • Closer than 150 metres from people, animals, buildings,      structures or vehicles
  • In populated areas or near large groups of people,      including sporting events, concerts, festivals, and firework shows
  • Near moving vehicles, avoid highways, bridges, busy      streets or anywhere you could endanger or distract drivers
  • Within restricted airspace, including near or over      military bases, prisons, and forest fires
  • Anywhere you may interfere with first responders

The East Algoma Ontario Provincial Police is committed to ensuring the safety and security of the communities it serves.

For more information, please visit Transport Canada – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – UAV