SSMPoliceThe Sault Ste. Marie Police Service is pleased to participate in Crime Prevention Week in Ontario.

The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, as well as the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, believes that crime can be reduced by working with our citizens to make our communities safer places to live.

From November 1 to 7, 2015 the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service will provide daily crime prevention information to our citizens. No one chooses to be a victim of crime. But when crime happens, it hurts. We want residents of our community to think about how they can protect themselves, their families, their neighbours and workplaces from crime.

Crime Prevention involves all of us working together to make our homes, neighbourhoods and workplaces healthy and safe.  If we mobilize the entire community, the impact on the wellness and safety of all Ontarians is limitless.

Break and Enter Prevention Tips

-Don’t invite burglars in. When you are away from your home, make it look occupied

-Lock all outside doors before you leave or go to bed

-Lock all windows

-Keep your garage door closed and locked

-Leave lights on when you go out.  If you are gone for any length of time, it is a good idea to leave a radio playing and to use automatic timers on several lamps

-Don’t allow daily deliveries to accumulate.  Ask a trusted neighbour, friend or relative to take in your mail or newspapers if you are going to be gone for several days.

-Arrange to have your driveway and walkways shoveled

-Never leave keys under flowerpots, doormats, inside mailboxes or in other “secret” hiding places…burglars know them all.

-Keep a detailed inventory of all your personal possessions.

And remember if you see someone acting suspicious call the police. We would like nothing better than to catch a criminal in the act.

Visit us at for further Crime Prevention Tips.