City Police were called yesterday regarding a couple breakins – to a home on Oakwood Drive and a garage on Curran Drive – where the thief was unsuccessful in their attempt to steal a vehicle. 18 year old Nick Miceli was charged with assault causing bodily harm after attending a pre Halloween dance – and dressed as a security guard head-butting a 15 year old boy – knocking him to the ground – then sucker-punching him in the face when he got up, causing a broken nose and a chipped tooth. A 36 year old male was charged with assault  after approaching another male known to him from behind on Halloween and choking him unconscious. Yesterday afternoon an unknown male attended a residence on Black Road about a boat-for-sale … and while the elderly home owner was distracted the unknown male broke into his home and stole a quantity of cash … and then assaulted the victim when confronted.   The suspect is described as being about 35 years old with reddish hair – driving a navy blue vehicle. Police observed an erratic driver on Baseline early yesterday morning and ended up charging a 23 year old male with impaired driving. 39 year old Sara Whitfield of Huron Street was charged with mischief after getting into an argument with another person in their vehicle and then smashing a car window. 28 year old Ashley Manitowabi of Constellation Place was charged with shoplifting at a local store.