Voter turnout was very low in yesterday’s off-year election in Chippewa County.   Fewer than 1,000 people turned out in Sault, Michigan … and across Chippewa County the turnout rate was 13 per cent.    Tony Bosbous was unopposed for another term as Mayor of The American Sault … Don Gerrie attracted 713 seats in his bid for another term on the City Commision, followed by newcomer Brent Osterhout with 663, with Jay Gage third at 642.  John Sawruk who annojunced he was withdrawing from the race still attracted 388 votes. Across the county – all millage requests were approved … for fire protection in Raber, black top and fire protection in Rudyard, fire protection on Sugar Island and the school millage in Brimley. Bay Mills is holding it’s election today.