City Police were called regarding an armed robbery at the Macs store on Wellington East around 11:30 last night … where a lone male threatened the clerk with a  knife before making off with an undisclosed amount of cash.  He’s described as a native male, about 5 feet 6, clean shaven with tatoos on both sides of his neck … wearing a Chicago Bulls cap along with black hoodie with two white zippers. A local car deadlership had 4 catalytic converters stolen off new vehicles overnight Sunday. A can of gas was stolen from a shed on Summit Avenue. A yellow bike with black trim was stolen from a yard on Albert West. Someone broke into a car on Campbell Avenue and after not finding anything to steal, tried to enter the home, but was scared off by the occupants. A 43 year old male was charged with stealing over $100 worth of meat from a local store. And a 24 year old male was arrested in a domestic matter – involving several assaults.  When arrested he had two knives in his possession.