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WOMEN FIND THE SMELL OF SWEAT ATTRACTIVE AFTER MEN EAT GARLIC: Scientists have found that the sweat of men who had eaten garlic smelled more attractive women. The researchers think that women may have evolved to prefer the type of smell that eating garlic, which is highly nutritious, produces in armpit sweat, because it suggests the person is healthy. Garlic has anti fungal, antibiotic and antiviral properties and studies have shown it can reduce the incidence of colds, and even high blood pressure and some cancers. According to the researchers from the University of Stirling in Scotland and Charles University in the Czech Republic it could also be that the antibacterial action of garlic makes the armpits smell sweeter by reducing the density of the microbes which cause the nasty odors. The researchers wrote in the journal Appetite, “Certainly, breath odor plays a crucial role in most social interactions, but human auxiliary (armpit) odor is also an important factor in intimate relationships. Our results indicate that garlic consumption may have positive effects on perceived body odor, perhaps due to its health effects, for example antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity.” (DailyMail)(Image: