crying baby
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1.The Orifice Phenomenon — Burping, farting, spitting, snot rockets. Would you want woman to start doing that around you?
2.Adjusting the privates — They’re not going anywhere, wait until you’re alone to itch or adjust.
3.Listening… when you feel like it — Men have an ability to pick and choose key words in a coversation… food, sex, Jackie Chan.
4.Tuning Out — Woman can’t help but to have at least 10 things on their mind at once, but men have this incredible ability to just pull back and zone out. How?
5.Leaving a Trail — Men have an ability to leave a trail to wherever they are… food, clothing, pots and pans.
6.Clippings and Shavings — How would you like to find tampon wrappers and armpit hairs all over the bathroom. Clean up after yourself.
7.Unobservant, plainly stated — Open yourself up to the insignificant things, like a new perfume she’s wearing, or a new haircut.
8.The “I’m sick, take care of me syndrome” — Stop whining and appreciate when she takes care of you.
9.The Wandering Eye — Learn the fine art of discretion. If you’re staring at another woman, don’t make it obvious to us.

How about a reverse list, one for the ladies….
• Their ability to kill 17 trees a day in toilet paper.
• Shoes… Get over them!
• A huge desire to make us love your cat.
• “Oil change? But I got one last year.”
• Your perfect timing to “have an important talk,” during game seven!
• Your obsession with lists of annoying things guys do.