The Ontario Medical Association’s Check-up Ontario Tour was launched in the Sault last week as the president of the OMA was on hand to consult with health care leaders and advocates along with physicians.  Dr. Mike Toth says they are looking at how best to meet the needs of an aging population with chronic conditions.  He talked about some of the challenges that were raised at the Sault meeting…

The backdrop to all of this is the limited amount of funding the province is making available as it tries to get its financial house in order.

Not only have hospital budgets been frozen over the last few years but physician services budgets have also been capped. Dr. Toth says the discussion at the Sault consultation also provided a wider definition in terms of what we consider a chronic illness—-beyond diabetes and heart disease to conditions that include dementia and mental health.  The consultation will continue involving five other communities until the end of March.