CitySSM  Supplied by the City of Sault Ste. Marie…
(Sault Ste. Marie, ON) Today, Mayor Christian Provenzano issued the following comments on the wildfire emergency in Fort McMurray:
“Like all Canadians, my Council colleagues and I have been following the wildfire situation unfolding in Fort McMurray. Clearly, this is an extraordinary event and one that is of serious concern across the country.
“The thoughts and prayers of our City Council and community are going out to the first responders engaged with the fire and to the residents who have been forced to evacuate.
“While it is gladdening to know that there has as yet been no loss of life or major injuries resulting from the disaster and the evacuation, there is no question that the community of Fort McMurray and many of its residents will be facing upheaval for a long time to come.
“Many local residents and businesses have expressed a desire to help those affected by the disaster. At this time, the best and most immediate way to offer support is by donating to the Alberta Fires Appeal through the Canadian Red Cross. The federal government announced this morning that it will match all donations dollar-for-dollar.
“In the coming days, as more becomes known about the situation, the City of Sault Ste. Marie and our City Council will consider how we might be able to extend our support and concern to the people and community of Fort McMurray.”