Captain America Could’ve Been Who?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has done pretty well for itself on the big screen. Three of the top ten highest grossing films of all time are Marvel Movies (The Avengers is 5th, Avengers Age of Ultron 7th, Iron Man 3 is 10th, and if we went to 12th place we’d have Captain America Civil War on there). Robert Downey Jr. is THE perfect Tony Stark (though Director Jon Favreau had to do some major work to convince Disney to hire him), Chris Hemsworth embodies Thor perfectly, and the rest of the ever expanding cast continues to be spot on. Chris Hemsworth who is now Captain America is a fan favourite for many; however, the role almost went to someone else.


Krasinski’s Confession

John Krasinksi was recently on Conan and he told the talk show host that he actually made it pretty far into the auditions. Far enough that he even got to put on the suit for one of the read-throughs. He jokes that he ultimately didn’t get the gig because of Chris Hemsworth. Apparently when the producers saw their two physiques together on screen John says it was clear they wouldn’t be a match. Check out the clip from Conan below and make sure to tell us if you think John Krasinksi would’ve done a good job as Cap!


Filed under: captain-america, celebrity, chris-evans, conan, john-krasinksi, marvel, movies