Easter Seals Snowarama

Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids 2017 is almost here! On Saturday, February 11th, snowmobilers from all over the Sault and area will gather together for a day on the trails – and you can join them. Download a pledge form from www.snowarama.org to begin raising money for children with physical disabilities in our community.
All riders who raise the minimum amount in pledges will receive a free breakfast, free lunch, gas top-up, one ballot for the local prize draw, and a day trail pass. For the first time, riders ages 12 to 25 will have a reduced minimum pledge requirement of $100 compared to the regular minimum amount of $150 for riders 26 and older.
“No event can endure and thrive through the decades of time without recruiting new blood, and helping young people to know the joy that comes to them through the gift of “giving of one’s self”. It is important that we help teach the lessons that can be learned through doing for others,” explained Landon Odom, Snowarama chairperson.  “It is our wish that by lowering the required pledge amount that we can attract more participants that will also enjoy supporting our event year after year since there is never a shortage of young people being born that require assistance from organizations like Easter Seals.”
For 94 years, Easter Seals has played an important role in providing support for children and youth with physical disabilities from all ethnic and religious backgrounds. Thanks to its generous donors, Easter Seals continues to offer programs to allow kids to experience freedom, independence and a sense of accomplishment. Easter Seals helps by providing financial assistance for mobility equipment, communication devices and summer camp opportunities at its two properties, Camp Merrywood and Camp Woodeden. Together we are helping kids BE KIDS.