Pictured from left to right - Dorine Currie, Jane Omollo, Norma Elliott, Mayor Christian Provenzano, Dr. Samantha Wallenius and Donna Carricato. Photo Credit: April Bananish
Pictured from left to right – Dorine Currie, Jane Omollo, Norma Elliott, Mayor Christian Provenzano, Dr. Samantha Wallenius and Donna Carricato.
Photo Credit: April Bananish
Women's Week 2017 Honourees
Women’s Week 2017 Honourees

Supplied by the Business Professional Women’s Club Sault Ste. Marie…
BPW Sault Ste. Marie hosted the dinner celebrating the honourees for this year on Thursday March 9th.

Honourees were congratulated by Mayor Christian Provenzano and heard from guest speaker Gabriella Doleskei, Leader of the Days for Girls, Sault Ste Marie Chapter on “Building Communities”.

Dr. Samantha Wallenius was the Friday Woman of the Week.  Dr. Samatha Wallenius is the current Psychiatric Consultant in Algoma District with the Canadian Mental Health Association. In this position, she works with the most vulnerable people, specifically women, who have very highly complex mental and physical health issues. A very dedicated and skilled person like Dr Wallenius has stepped up to take this vacant position. Dr Wallenius also works with the Superior Family Health Team and the Blind River District Health Centre. She is a faculty member of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. Since 2008, Dr Wallenius has had a general impatient and outpatient psychiatric practice with the Sault Area Hospital.

Dorine Currie was the Thursday Women of the Week. At the age of 95, Dorine Currie continues to be a role model for many of us. Dorine is a volunteer with the Victorian Order of Nurses in their palliative care programme. Dorine takes the bus up to the hospital to work with persons and families who are dealing with life and death situations. One of Dorine’s main skills is her ability to listen and care. Dorine has a genuine gift of care during people’s most vulnerable and private time. Dorine is recognized for the care and dignity she gives to people.

Norma Elliott was the Wednesday Woman of the Week. Norma is the Director of Programmes and Staff at the Women in Crisis (Algoma).Norma has worked for thirty years both on staff and as a volunteer. She gives her heart and soul to the work she does to improve the quality of life and living for the women she serves both clients and staff. In her role, Norma sees her role as that of service to others. Norma truly is a role model and activist for women. With Norma, her job  is more  than work, it is  a true mission.

Jane Omollo was the Tuesday Woman of the Week.  Jane is employed by the Sault Community Career Center in various roles. Under her leadership and supervision the “New to Sault” program has continued to grow and has helped an impressive number of newcomers and refugees to settle and make connections in Sault Ste. Marie. She is a change maker, continues to embrace diversity and be a key player in making Sault Ste. Marie a welcoming community.  Jane is one of the co-founders of African Caribbean Association of Northern Ontario. She is a board member of Refugee 705 which began in 2015 in response to the refugee crisis. Refugee 705 links citizens of the Algoma District with local refugee settlement initiatives to raise awareness of how people can help. It also raises money to help bring refugees to the Algoma District

Donna Carricato was the Monday Woman of the Week.  Donna is actively involved with the United Way of Sault Ste Marie. She was instrumental in spearheading a “Day of Caring”, giving her colleges a hands-on view of how their donations to Women in Crisis and Pauline’s Place impact on women and children. She has been chair of the Electra Marconi Society’s “Giving Tree” program which distributes gifts to women and children residing at Women in Crisis over the Christmas season.  This past fall Donna became a new Rotarian with the Rotary Club of Sault Ste Marie. At present she is principal of St. Anne’s school. She has worked for the Huron Superior Catholic School Board for 39 years. She is a wife, mother of 4 and proud nanna of a grandson who turned 3 on Monday, March 6, 2017.