Photos by Dan Pernokis

 Terry Bariciak (from Korah C&VS) receives top prize — the Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie Award of Excellence for Best of Fair — at the 30th Annual Algoma Rotary Science Fair. Terry's project was an in-depth comparison and analysis of cinnamon essential oils. He will be travelling to Regina in May to compete at the Canada Wide Science Fair.
Terry Bariciak (from Korah C&VS) receives top prize — the Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie Award of Excellence for Best of Fair — at the 30th Annual Algoma Rotary Science Fair. Terry’s project was an in-depth comparison and analysis of cinnamon essential oils. He will be travelling to Regina in May to compete at the Canada Wide Science Fair.
 Jordan Winter (from Korah C&VS) won a $1000 Admission Scholarship to Algoma U — plus the Don Wallace Award for placing second overall among Intermediates and the TENARIS Award for Second Place Best of Fair — for her project on better control of bee diseases. She'll be off to the Canada Wide Science Fair for the fourth time, where she just might win something there too — again!
Jordan Winter (from Korah C&VS) won a $1000 Admission Scholarship to Algoma U — plus the Don Wallace Award for placing second overall among Intermediates and the TENARIS Award for Second Place Best of Fair — for her project on better control of bee diseases. She’ll be off to the Canada Wide Science Fair for the fourth time, where she just might win something there too — again!


 Reid Tull (from RM Moore) defied physics and built a perpetual motion machine for his third-place project at the Algoma Rotary Science Fair. (If it had worked, he might have placed first :) Reid also took home one of two PEO awards for Excellence in Engineering and placed first overall in Junior competition. He's making his first of what may be many trips to the Canada Wide Science Fair.
Reid Tull (from RM Moore) defied physics and built a perpetual motion machine for his third-place project at the Algoma Rotary Science Fair. (If it had worked, he might have placed first 🙂 Reid also took home one of two PEO awards for Excellence in Engineering and placed first overall in Junior competition. He’s making his first of what may be many trips to the Canada Wide Science Fair.