Vimy Memorial in Northern France
Vimy Memorial in Northern France


SAULT STE MARIE: Sunday April 9th is the 100th Anniversary of the 1917 Battle of Vimy Ridge, that is often referred to as a defining moment in Canadian History. This is the first time all four Canadian Divisions representing Canada from coast to coast were fighting together against the foe during the Great War. To mark this 100th Anniversary the 2310 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps of Sault Ste along with other cadet units, Reserve Units and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25 are holding a Vimy Parade on Sunday April 09th. The public is welcome to view the parade along the parade route.

WHO: 2310 RC(ARMY)CC, 46 Royal Sovereign, 155 Borden Gray GC Sqn, 49th Field Regiment, 33 Service Battalion, Branch 25 Royal Canadian Legion.

WHAT: Cadet and Reserve Units as well as the Branch 25 Legion Members will be marching to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The 2310 Army Cadets will view the Vimy display located at the Sault Ste Marie Museum and then march to the Civic Center.
The other units will then form up at the Civic Center.
The 2310 will then request Freedom of the City from Mayor C. Provenzano
and then march to the Cenotaph.

The ceremony will include a prayer, wreath laying by, Honorable Terry Sheehan Member of Parliament for Sault Ste Marie, Patrick Brown Member of Provincial Parliament for Simcoe North and Leader Official Opposition, Mr Carmine Provenzano Mayor Sault Ste Marie, Wayne Paulencu, Presedent Branch 25 Royal Canadian Legion,  Major Lambert, 49th Field Regiment, Captain Sean Batchelor 2310 RC(Army) CCorps.

Where: The following locations, Sault Ste Marie Museum, City of Sault Ste Marie Civic Centre, Sault Ste Marie Cenotaph 426 Queen St.

When: Sunday 09 April, 2017
09:00 2310 Army Cadets meet and view the Vimy display.
10:20 2310 Army Cadets march from the Sault Ste Marie Museum.
10:30 Units muster the at Sault Ste Marie City Hall
10:45 2310 Army Cadet requests Freedom of the City.
10:50 Units Fall in.
11:00 Parade marches from City Hall to the Cenotaph.
11:15 Parade arrives at Cenotaph.
11:20 Opening Statements.
11:25 Prayer
11:30 Laying of Wreaths,
Last Post, 2 min of Silence followed by Reveille

They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them.

11:40 Three Gun Salute in Remembrance,
49th Field Regiment (Field Gun Firing)
God Save the Queen, performed by the Branch 25 Royal Canadian Legion.
Colours Retired, Parade Dismissed.
11:50 Parade Dismissed.