news-McMeeken Arena

A lengthy report regarding the McMeeken Arena is included in city council’s agenda for tonight’s meeting.
The City is planning to reopen the aging facility sometime this week after having to close it on two separate occasions regarding elevated levels of carbon monoxide.
The report explains that besides the regular user groups, there is a major 3 on 3 tournament scheduled at the end of the month that the City would like to accomodate provided that all the remedial work identified is completed and the facilty is deemed safe for operation.
One area of concern is the McMeeken zamboni which when it was recently used as a replacement machine at the Rhodes showed elevated levels of carbon monoxide—-further emission tests are being carried out and there is the option of borrowing another ice resurfacing machine from another arena for the remainder of the season.
The financial impact from the two incidents is estimated to be 107-thousand-900 dollars including costs to date of 42-thousand-900.
The report explains that exceeds funding capabilities from the operational budget.
Council will be asked to give its approval in using up to 110-thousand from the Facility Maintenance Reserve.