Lone Wolf1Lone Wolf2Lone Wolf3 Lone Wolf4


A very exciting semi-final had some interesting developments. Match 1 saw the opponent’s “Shocks” team get caught on the field reset ladder in the opening seconds, leaving the Lone Wolf alliance with an easy win. “Shocks” were Lone Wolf’s” partners who helped them to win the Provincials in February but were now, because of how the draft ended up, their opponents in the semis.  Hold the result though – Shocks successfully protested the result as the ladder was not a normal part of the field, and the match had to be replayed. In the rematch, Lone Wolf’s machine was very fast,  helping to score a higher win (40 to 7) then in the initial match. Score 1 for Lone Wolf.
In match 2, Lone Wolf sat out (all alliances must play without one robot in each match and it was Lone Wolf’s turn for match #2), but their two partners both became crippled, handing their opponents an easy 40-0 win.
The tie breaker followed and the Shocks robot had Lone Wolf’s number – putting up a superb defensive game, timing their blocking moves perfectly,  and preventing team 114T from scoring – and giving Lone Wolf’s alliance another loss and eliminating them from the playoffs.
So Lone Wolf is out and ends the week with a 3rd place overall finish in their 94-team division, a highest-ever finish for any ADSB team ever in the 15-yr history of competition robotics in our district.

Elementary School VEX IQ events start tomorrow afternoon, with their playoff finals set to take place Tuesday night.