Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown addressing yesterday's news conference with local candidate Ross Romano.
Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown addressing yesterday’s news conference with local candidate Ross Romano.


The Sault by-election is putting a focus on northern issues ahead of the June 1st vote.
Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown during a stop in the Sault yesterday in support of candidate Ross Romano, says Northern Ontario has been forgotten in the recent Ontario budget with no mention of the Ring of Fire or the 1-billion dollar provincial commitment and there was also a 70-million dollar cut to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines.
Brown says he’s tired of the excuses when it comes to the Ring of Fire and he wants to see funding in the budget now, and shovels in the ground…



The province has been pressing the federal government to match its planned 1-billion dollar investment to support the construction of a transportation corridor.
Premier Wynne said when elected in 2014, that she wouldn’t consider her government to have been successful unless progress has been made in the Ring of Fire.

If there are going to be 10-debates during the very short 4 week by-election campaign, Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown says Liberal candidate Debbie Amaroso will have a lot of explaining to do when it comes to the government’s position that he says has extremely hurt northern Ontario…


Amoroso issued a challenge to PC candidate Ross Romano and the NDP’s Joe Krmpotich proposing that they participate in 10 debates saying we owe it to the voters to be accessible to public scrutiny.
Romano says it might be too tight of a time line to get in 10 debates and he says they have been invited to two and they have confirmed he will participate in both put on by the Health Coalition and the Sault Chamber of Commerce.