L to R-Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, NDP Candidate Joe Krmpotich and Country Style Owner Lucy Fronzi
L to R-Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, NDP Candidate Joe Krmpotich and Country Style Owner Lucy Fronzi




Hydro bill concerns was again the backdrop of another visit from Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath on Friday—–the third visit from an Ontario Party Leader in just the first week of a 4 week campaign ahead of the June 1st by-election vote.
Horwath paid a visit to Country Style on 2nd Line west—-one of five stores in the Sault owned by Steve and Lucy Fronzi.
They have taken steps in reducing costs such as changes to refrigeration and changing to LED lights and there costs have gone up around 25% since 2014 to approximately 2-thousand dollars a month per store.
Horwath had a chance to promote the NDP plan that she says looks longer term not just short term to attract votes…


Steve and Lucy own 2 Country Style stores and 3 M and M Meat Shops.

Horwath says the province needs to take action to better support the City of Sault Ste. Marie during Essar Steel Algoma’s restructuring process.
The issue is certainly  a familiar one to the Hamilton MPP who also says that the security of pensions and benefits for Algoma Steel workers should also be at the top of the line during restructuring—-it’s something she says the NDP have long called for.
Horwath says it is fine that Premier Wynne has shown concern for the municipality and plans to look into it, but Horwath says the province should step up to the plate in terms of supporting the City before it has to take drastic action to address costs…

The City is owed approximately 26 million dollars in property taxes from Essar Steel Algoma and hasn’t been able to collect taxes during the restructuring which began in November of 2015.