news-algoma public health

Supplied by Algoma Public Health…
Algoma Public Health (APH) has issued a swimming advisory for Havilland Beach, located north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

The test results of water samples taken on June 19, 2017, exceeded the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s bacteriological guidelines for safe swimming/bathing. It is unsafe to swim at beaches with increased levels of bacteria. When sample results return to safe parameters, the public will be notified.

Before swimming, take into consideration the past day’s weather and the current conditions of the beach. Water may contain high levels of bacteria for up to 48 hours following heavy rainfall, high winds, or increased number of waterfowl.

The public is encouraged to visit the Beach Warnings’ section on our website to view an interactive map of the beaches sampled and any current warnings.

Swimming advisories do not close the beach or stop people from swimming. They let swimmers know about the water conditions the day the sample was taken. Swimming in water with high levels of E. coli can cause skin, eye, nose and throat infections, as well as stomach illness.

To reduce your risk:

o Avoid swallowing beach water
o Towel off after a swim
o Shower once at home

Learn more about recreational water.