Rose Marie Valade and John Caputo

Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board…
Sault Ste. Marie: The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) has been recognized for
its work in efforts to improve living conditions of those in the Global South.
Development and Peace-Caritas Canada formally recognized the Board at the November 15, 2017 Board
of Trustees meeting. Local representative, Rose Marie Valade, presented a special certificate to
Chairperson John Caputo following an information session outlining the work the Catholic organization
does around the world.
The wording of the certificate of honour from Jean-Denis Lampron, the President of the National Council of
Development and Peace-Caritas Canada reads;
On the occasion of its 50th anniversary of foundation, Development and Peace-Caritas Canada is
honoured to formally recognize the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board of the Diocese of Sault
Ste. Marie for your exceptional commitment to the cause of social justice and your efforts to improve living
conditions for the poorest of the poor in the Global South.
On behalf of our members from coast to coast, and our partners across the world, I want to express my
heartfelt gratitude to you for the solidarity that you have shown with the marginalized and oppressed and
for your work in helping to strengthen our movement.
Your dedication to Development and Peace is very much appreciated and it is with pleasure that we
emphasize it in a special way.
The Board has made the work of Development and Peace-Caritas Canada a focal point at various times
during the school year. Along with raising funds for projects the organization is involved in, students are
taught about the various issues facing people living in the Global South from famine to war.
“We strive to make sure our students aren’t given the impression that their monetary donations will solve the issues facing people in the Global South. We want to ensure that they understand why people face famine, war or other inequities,” said HSCDSB Religious and Family Life Consultant, Sister Pat Carter.
“This is a great honour, as it speaks to how our students are learning about important issues that affect all of us. I’m impressed at the thousands of dollars our school communities have contributed over the years, but even more, I am proud of how our teachers are educating the students about the inequities people in the Global South face every day,” said Caputo.
In May, during Catholic Education Week, the Board’s annual Walk for Justice and lessons associated with it, will once again focus on raising awareness of the work of Development and Peace-Caritas Canada. Any funds raised will be donated to the organization.