Some impressive education data for Canada in what was the final release of data from the 2016 census.
The latest numbers show that more than half of the population in the 25 to 64 age bracket have degrees or diplomas from a college or university——-that’s tops among the 35 countries belonging to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
For Sault Ste. Marie, 52% of the population in that same age category successfully graduated earning either a university degree or college diploma.
Of that 52% figure—-21% had a bachelor’s degree or higher and 31% a college certificate or diploma.

The latest census data shows more and more Canadians are working past the traditional retirement age of 65. Nearly one in five Canadians aged 65 or older worked at some point in 2015, twice the percentage recorded 20 years earlier, while 5.9 per cent of seniors worked throughout the entire year– the highest percentage ever recorded.     That trend is being seen in the Sault as well as those working past age 65 more than doubled in the 2016 census compared to census 2011.                                                                                                                                            The number of Saultites 65 and older working either full-time or part-time reached over 24-hundred.                        The top occupation here in the Sault according to the latest census was in the sales and services sector.