Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board…
Sault Ste. Marie: The annual Heaven Cent campaign at St. Mary’s College (SMC) is underway. The kickoff
to the Advent Outreach Project was held today at the school.
Heaven Cent is a three-pronged ‘AAA’ campaign that stands for: Adoption, Action and Alms. The
Adoption aspect sees gifts purchased for students in need within the Huron-Superior Catholic District
School Board. The Action component involves classes reaching out to members of the greater
community. The Alms portion centers on raising funds for various local organizations as selected by the
Staff and students from all grades work collaboratively to run this campaign.
“By getting involved, students have an opportunity to participate fully in the season of Advent, while
deepening their faith and learning the meaning of teamwork. It is a chance for all of us to act as Jesus did
and display respect and empathy for one another,” said SMC Vice-Principal, Christopher Czop.
This year, the Action component will have SMC students attempt to connect with residents of every
nursing home in Sault Ste. Marie. Another action will be for SMC students to visit all Catholic elementary
schools in the city to remind them of the true meaning of Christmas.
Students will also approach numerous businesses to host their donation cans over the next four weeks.
Individuals are encouraged to participate in the campaign by donating any spare change.
Funds raised from the campaign will be donated to individuals and community organizations, with all of the
donations remaining in Sault Ste. Marie. The presentation of funds will be held on Tuesday, December 19,
2017, at a special assembly at St. Mary’s College.
On behalf of the SMC family, the Heaven Cent Committee wishes to thank everyone in advance for their
contributions to this year’s campaign.