Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board…
Sault Ste. Marie: Students at St. Mary’s College had the opportunity recently to deliver their questions
about politics directly to their representative in parliament. As part of a UNICEF Canada initiative, Sault
Ste. Marie MP Terry Sheehan paid a visit to the school.
Mr. Sheehan’s visit to a Grade 10 Civics class was part of the Bring Your MP to School initiative which
gives youth an opportunity to learn how politics works. Although the students in the class aren’t yet eligible
to vote, they had plenty of questions for their representative in Ottawa.
The questions covered a varied range of topics; from inquiring about what Mr. Sheehan does on a typical
day in the House of Commons, to what he talks about when meeting with the Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau and what are his main concerns about issues affecting Sault Ste. Marie.
Mr. Sheehan noted that some of the questions put forth were even tougher than those offered up in the
daily Question Period when parliament meets.
“I am so pleased that the students in this Civics class are learning skills that will enable them to interact
with Canada’s political and governmental processes, so that the laws and the programs developed by our
politicians reflect Canadians’ values,” said Sheehan.
“It was a real pleasure to have Terry in to speak and answer questions that were meaningful to our
students. I give them credit for taking a serious approach to this opportunity to learn more about our MP
and how our political system works. It was a great day of sharing and learning,” said teacher Scott

“We appreciate Mr. Sheehan taking time from his busy schedule to visit our students. With Mr. Chorney’s class focusing on active and global citizenship, his visit provided a great example of that attitude in action,” said St. Mary’s College Principal, Cindy Sawyer.
Mr. Sheehan was elected Sault Ste. Marie MP in 2015 as a member of a Liberal Party majority government. He previously served as a Sault Ste. Marie city councilor and as a trustee with the HSCDSB. He is a graduate of the former St. Patrick Catholic School.
To find out more about the Bring Your MP to School initiative visit