Developing a community drug strategy and properly training local officers to recognize and handle drug impaired drivers is part of the work ahead for the Sault Police Service as its feels the pressure in being ready to enforce new laws for legalized marijuana next summer.
City Police Chief Robert Keetch says our force is looking to have in excess of 10 additional officers to be trained in field sobriety testing at Ontario Police College and there is also a significant amount of additional officers that will need drug recognition expert training which is held in Florida and is very extensive and very costly—-It is Chief Keetch’s understanding that the costs of both training programs will be picked up by the province…

Chief Keetch says development of a community strategy for prevention and public education is as equally as important as enforcement and he says they are continuing to participate with other community agencies in developing such a strategy.
Meantime it was revealed this week that the federal government never committed to a July 1st deadline with the Prime Minister simply saying that recreational pot would be legal next summer.