P!nk's Hilarious Response to Internet Troll
by nancy.birko on February 5, 2018, 01:02pm. EST
Even though P!nk was sick, she BELTED OUT the national anthem at last night’s game!
A lot of people thought she did a great job, but not everyone.
She got some hate online, like this:
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1000 times. Pink sucks and if you like her singing you’re dumb #SuperBowl
— Dirty Coüch (@King_Sullivan) February 4, 2018
Since P!nk isn’t one afraid to speak her mind, here’s her hilarious reply:
Yeah but altleast I suck while singing our countries national anthem, and you just suck by yourself on a dirty couch. #winning https://t.co/SfLQr9hVTq
— P!nk (@Pink) February 5, 2018
#Winning indeed.
In case you missed the performance, you can watch it here.